Category Archives: Uncategorized

Chelates and Chelation

Chelates, primarily iron (Fe), play important roles in the production of Fe-sensitive crops when grown in alkaline soils. In addition, chelates of the element manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) have been of value under similar soil conditions. The form of the chelate and its method of application are important factors...
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Humic Acid – What is it?

Humic acid is not a specifically defined chemical substance, but is “a complex mixture of many different acids containing carboxyl and phenolate groups so that the mixture behaves functionally as a dibasic acid or, occasionally, as a tribasic acid” ( The physiochemical properties of humic acid will be determined by...
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Humic acdi- What is it?

Hunic acid is becoming a commonly added ingredient to nutrient solution formulation and nutrient supplement products with the expectation of significant positive plant response. Humic acid is not a specifically defined chemical substance, but is “a complex mixture of many different acids containing carboxyl and phenolate groups so that the...
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