Over the last several decades, there has been little change in how plants are being grown hydroponically. Currently, there are 5 hydroponic methods in common use, flood and drain, standing aerated, nutrient film technique (NFT), drip irrigation and aeroponics . The last major advancements in the hydroponic technique occurred when...
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Category Archives: Uncategorized
Nitrate Accummulation in Plants
It is well known that plants being grown under low light conditions can accumulate nitrate (NO3), the amount depending on the growing conditions and availability of NO3-N in the rooting medium. Those growing plants hydroponically maybe able to reduce this accumulation by increasing the concentration of molybdenum (Mo) in the...
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Measurement Terms for Elements in Nutrient Solution
The concentration of elements, both essential and non-essential, in a nutrient solution formulation are normally expressed in parts per million, best known by its acronym, ppm. In metric units, ppm is equivalent to milligrams per liter, its acronym being mg/L. A frequently used measurement for evaluating the overall elemental content...
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Ammonium-nitrogen: Caution, It Can Adversely Affect Plants
There are two ionic forms of nitrogen that can be root adsorbed, the anion nitrate and the cation ammonium. Ammonium is more quickly simulated metabolically, while the nitrate anion must be reduced before metabolic simulation occurs, a reduction process that requires energy. Therefore, some have suggested that the ammonium form...
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Is Your Hydroponic Growing System Efficient?
How efficient is your hydroponic growing system in terms of water, nutrient element agents, and electrical power use? A question every hydroponic grower needs to ask himself. How often and how many gallons of nutrient solution are discarded on a scheduled basis? How many pounds of reagents are included in...
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